Monday, January 26, 2009


Hello everybody!!! Prince of Persia here and I have decided to blog about the current situation between America and Iran. This topic is very near and dear to me since I am an American, married to an Iranian, and have family in Iran. I am semi-fluent in Farsi and I have traveled to Iran as recently as 2007. I have a deep love for both countries and I truly desire peace for both countries and I am certain that military action would not bring prosperity or security to either country. Therefore, I would like to explore the current situation between the two countries and form analyses of America’s foreign policy and actions concerning Iran as well as the Iranian regimes reactions. I would like to explore as much as possible about the two countries relationship in order to broaden my knowledge of the situation and to better understand what can be done to bring about a peaceful resolution to the crisis as well as hopefully add to other’s understanding of the matter.

My posts will likely alternate between economical and political as wells as social and religious because Iran is an Islamic country and I would like to explore the role that religion has played in the situation. I will also possibly include a bit of history in my posts about the two countries past relationship in order to give newcomers to the situation a clearer understanding of the current crisis. Many Americans are not aware that Iran was America’s closest ally in the Middle East for many years. In fact, to have a decent understanding of the current situation you have to go back to the summer of 1953 when Prime Minister Mossadeq was overthrown by a coup d’état supported by the British and Americans. All of that particular history will most likely be referred to in various posts in the future. But, mostly I would like to post about the current events taking place and determine whether or not they are helpful or harmful to a peaceful resolution of the situation.

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